pastured poultey

What is pastured poultry?

Pastured poultry refers to the practice of raising poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks) on pasture land, rather than in a confined indoor space like a barn or coop. The birds are allowed to roam freely on the pasture, foraging for food and exercising, and are typically moved to a new area of pasture on a regular basis to ensure that they have access to fresh grass and insects.

Pastured poultry production is a form of sustainable agriculture that aims to mimic the natural habitat and behavior of poultry in the wild. It is typically considered to be a more humane and environmentally friendly way of raising poultry, as the birds are able to engage in natural behaviors and have access to a varied diet.

Pastured poultry production is often contrasted with conventional poultry production, which typically involves raising birds in crowded, indoor facilities with limited access to the outdoors. Conventional poultry production can lead to a number of negative impacts on the environment and animal welfare, including pollution, disease outbreaks, and the use of antibiotics.

Pastured poultry is generally considered to be a healthier and more humane option for both the birds and consumers. It is also often considered to be more environmentally friendly, as the birds are able to fertilize the soil and the pasture-based system can help to reduce soil erosion and improve water quality.

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